
Diving Into Concord and Coming Out Lutheran: A Practical Commentary on the Lutheran Confessions

Diving Into Concord and Coming Out Lutheran: A Practical Commentary on the Lutheran Confessions

Be at Leisure: A Lutheran Approach to Outreach

Be at Leisure: A Lutheran Approach to Outreach

A Year of Law & Gospel Preaching: Postil of Sermons on the One-Year Lectionary

A Year of Law & Gospel Preaching: Postil of Sermons on the One-Year Lectionary

As if Christ our Dear Lord Dealt with Us Himself

As if Christ our Dear Lord Dealt with Us Himself (Lenten devotions on Luther's Small Catechism - Lent 2022)

Into His Death and Resurrection

Lenten Devotions on Holy Baptism: (Lenten devotions on Luther's Small Catechism - Lent 2021)

Created, Redeemed, & Sanctified

The Apostles' Creed for Lent: (Lenten devotions on Luther's Small Catechism - Lent 2020)

Picture of a Profound Mystery

Picture of a Profound Mystery: An Advent Devotional for 2019

Lent with the Lord's Commands

Lent with the Lord's Commands: (Lenten devotions on Luther's Small Catechism - Lent 2019)

Ever New and Greater Light and Devotion

Ever New and Greater Light and Devotion

The Lord's Prayer in the Lord's Passion

The Lord's Prayer in the Lord's Passion