New Release from Steadfast Press – “Christ and the Church” – Second Edition by Rev. Andrew Richard

We are slowly putting different books together here at Steadfast Press. This is a revision of a devotion that should be used by every household in the Lutheran Church. As a pastor, I have found it very useful in catechizing single members, getting couples ready to marry, helping couples in serious need, helping couples just looking to do better, and even helping couples who just wanted a refresher on what estate God had given to them in giving them a spouse. As a husband, I have found it humbling and encouraging in faithfully loving my wife.

The second edition brings with it some revisions and additional materials. More importantly, the second edition is readily available through Amazon’s print on demand service for a low cost ($6). The previous edition was available at Lulu, but we are moving away from there due to costs.

To purchase a copy from Amazon for $6 click here.

To download a free PDF of the devotional click here.

The devotion is laid out in 30 days of material. Each day includes teaching, a “talk” topic for the couple, a beautiful prayer based upon the teaching, and also a “do” section for the couple to put the teaching into action.

We rely on word of mouth or social media sharing to help promote these works, so please share widely. The teaching in this devotion is sorely needed in every marriage and for all those pondering marriage.

To purchase for $6 from Amazon

To download a free PDF of the whole devotional.

Here are some other reviews:

Christ and the Church is a wonderful look at marriage for the Christian husband and wife, through the words of Our Lord. It is a beautifully helpful tool to dissect the meaning and application of the instruction to us from God on how a husband and wife should interact and treat each other. The comparison of marriage with the relationship of Christ and His Church is laid out wonderfully. It would benefit any married Christian couple to read through this book and apply the readings, conversations, and activities to their marriage!

Jeremiah Holthus, Husband and Father

I am excited that Pastor Richard’s Christ and the Church has been updated and revised. Six years ago I wrote a glowing review for the first edition and my appreciation for the book has not lessened over that time. It is the book that I give as a wedding gift. It is the book that I give to those who are struggling in their marriage. It is the book I give to those looking for a faithful devotion to do together as a married couple. I don’t know exactly how many copies I have given out over the last six years or how many copies of the first edition were sold, but I know that it has blessed many marriages. My prayer is that this second edition will continue to be a blessing to many marriages for years to come. As I said in my review of the first edition of the book: “It is unique in that it is a marriage devotion that is thoroughly Lutheran from beginning to end. It is grounded in the clear teaching of Scripture as it applies both Law and Gospel to husbands and wives… Even if you just prayed the Biblically rich and thoughtful prayers at the end of each day with your spouse, you and your spouse and your marriage would be better off for it.”

Pastor Andrew Packer, Associate Pastor, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Collinsville, IL

1 thought on “New Release from Steadfast Press – “Christ and the Church” – Second Edition by Rev. Andrew Richard

  1. I was so thrilled to stumble upon this post and to find the Amazon book to purchase! Thank you for providing this for our marriage

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