Picture of a Profound Mystery


Picture of a Profound Mystery

Short Description

Steadfast Press Advent devotional for 2019

For Advent 2019 are choosing the texts around Advent and Christmas to focus upon marriage, husbands, and wives. St. Paul tells us that marriage is about Christ and His Church and this is a profound mystery in Ephesians 5. There are many reasons why the average Lutheran parish may want to use this series this year (abominable view of marriage abound in our culture, divorce, fornication, cohabitation, etc.). This series will draw upon the texts around Advent and Christmastime to teach about God’s sacred institution of marriage. Advent is a penitential season as well, so it is a proper time to consider this institution and consider our sins in relation to it, repent, believe the gospel and boldly confess God’s truth before our fellow Christians and the onlooking world.