Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Watch out for “Sheep” with Bad Breath

Though most are unawares, it is a sad day in the midst of a holy week.  While pilgrims stream through Zion’s gates in order to celebrate the coming Passover, Jesus departs.  He leaves the city and her temple and in so doing leaves her desolate. For no matter how busy her priests, no matter how full her borders, no matter how pious and fervent her rituals, without Jesus, both the time and the space are empty.  Without Jesus the city is but a gathering of clanging cymbals.  There is much noise but there is no dirge – the Baptist calls no more.  There is no dancing – Simeon’s song is but a faint memory.  There is no sad song of repentance nor festal celebrations of God’s grace and mercy.  Without Jesus all is meaningless.