Article by Pr. H.R. Curtis over on Gottesdienst Online:
Alright, BJS readers, time to put your money where your mouth is. Today I spoke with layperson Mac about plans to start a confessional parish. They have a faithful pastor languishing on CRM status lined up to serve, they have about 30 folks interested in receiving Jesus’ Word and Sacraments, and they would appreciate the support of the faithful from around our Synod.
Items wanted:
Altarware (chalice, paten, flagon, cruets, lavabo, host box, fair linen, corporal, pall, purificators)
Hymnals (20+ copies of LSB)
Pew Bibles (20+ copies of ESV)
Gospel Book for processions
Altar crucifix
This is a worthy cause to take to your LWML group, men’s group, etc., or to simply support with your own alms above and beyond your gifts to your own parish.
For more information on how to give, contact us and we’ll pass the message on to them. Contact them by clicking here; Norm will forward the message to them.
Pr. H. R. Curtis
Trinity Lutheran Church, Worden, IL
Zion Lutheran Church, Carpenter, IL
“But with a man who belongs to an everlasting kingdom all is well and it is fitting that he should dance through life forevermore.”
– Martin Luther (1544)