On to Committee 5. Feedback on proposed resolutions from any of the seven floor committees should be sent to the respective committee chairman by tomorrow, if possible. (Note: My comment on 5-04 has been revised since original posting.)
For reference:
Today’s Business
Convention Workbook
2010 Handbook
5-01: To Encourage Continued Faithful Witness by the Concordia University System
President to appoint task force to strengthen confessional Lutheran identity of our Concordias. Very important.
5-02: To Support and Encourage Participation in Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support Initiative
PALS program for new pastors and their wives. Will pass.
5-03: To Establish an SMP Oversight Committee
President to appoint an oversight committee for the SMP program. Could help.
5-04: To Continue and Strengthen the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program
Notes concerns regarding program–e.g., admission criteria, academic standards–raised by overtures (5-21, 5-22, 5-28) and SMP Task Force Report. Retains SMP program. SMP Oversight Committee (see Res. 5-03) to address concerns. Would seek to limit use of SMP to specific situations (not to add staff to large churches), but puts off any action until the next convention, which is disappointing. Still, this resolution will be opposed by those who want looser program. See SMP Task Force Report (and CSL response).
5-05: To Amend Bylaws Regarding Boards of Regents and Concordia University System Board
CUS BOD members would need to have specialized qualifications in areas such as theology, education, finance, law, etc. Initial full-time theology faculty appointments would need approval of CUS BOD (moved from another bylaw). Schools would need to show that they are actively working to preserve Lutheran identity and to support the objectives of Synod. Could be controversial. Liberals want the colleges to be more independent and free of Synod control.
5-06: To Revise Bylaw re College and University Faculties
Revises policies regarding faculty appointment, conduct, and termination–e.g., a faculty member removed from Synod is removed from the faculty also. Could be controversial.
5-07: To Thank God for the Affiliation of Concordia University Wisconsin and Concordia University Ann Arbor
Will pass.
5-08: To Establish a Standard for Continuing Education of Pastors
To “hold pastors accountable” for continuing education, as though that can only come through a formal program? No thank you. This resolution is fraught with potential for misuse. And I’m big on continuing ed.
5-09: To Revise Bylaw re Election Process for College and University Presidents
Parties meet at beginning of process about expectations. CUS President participates as guest in the election.
5-10: To Amend Bylaw re Procedure to Consolidate Colleges/Universities
CUS BOD replaces COP as a decision entity in procedure to consolidate, relocate, separate, or divest a school.
5-11: To Amend Bylaw re Appointment of Seminary Faculty
Initial appointments to seminary faculty will need majority approval of SP, BNM chairman, and COP chairman.
5-12: To Encourage, Promote and Support the Recruitment of Hispanic and Spanish-speaking Students and Faculty, into Church Work Professions
All in favor, say “Sí.” It will pass.
5-13: To Encourage the Recruitment of the Highest Caliber Candidates for Pastoral Ministry
What are the criteria for regarding someone to be “of the highest caliber among his peers”?
5-14: To Conduct a Study of the Alternate Routes to the Pastoral Ministry
President appoints task force to study the eight non-M.Div. routes to pastoral ministry, make recommendations.
Next time: Committee 6, Administration and Finance.