At every convention, whether district or national, there are always a large number of what I call “mom and apple pie” resolutions. They usually go something like this:
To Encourage Good Things
WHEREAS, Our committee has to come up with some resolutions that will sound nice and will pass easily; and
WHEREAS, Good things are good; and
WHEREAS, Mom and apple pie are outstanding examples of good things; therefore be it
Resolved, That we encourage everyone to go out and do good things, including, but not limited to, the thanking of moms and the eating of apple pies; and be it further
Resolved, That the President of Synod appoint a Blue Ribbon Task Force for the Study and Promotion of Good Things (BRTFSPGT), which shall report their findings to the 2016 convention; and be it finally
Resolved, That we all rise and sing the Common Doxology.
Action: Adopted, 999-1.
Now these “mom and apple pie” resolutions have their place. I’m not speaking against them.
At the same, it should be noted that there may also be a few resolutions that sound “mom and apple pie-ish,” but could carry some hidden freight that is not so good. For instance, a resolution commending this or that agency that does a lot of good work–if that agency were also to be rather liberal in its practices and policies, then delegates may want to be cautious about commending it. On the other hand, though, there’s also the problem of nit-picking. You may not agree with 100% of what some agency has done, but is it worth having a floor fight over? Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on the particulars.
With those prefatory remarks, we move on to Committee 2, Mercy (TCFKAHC, The Committee Formerly Known As Human Care). As mentioned last time, you can find the proposed resolutions in Today’s Business.
2. MERCY (TB, pp. 60-68)
2-01: To Commend and Give Thanks for the Work of LCMS Disaster Response
Will pass easily.
2-02: To Give Thanks and Praise to God for LIRS 75th Anniversary
Will pass, but perhaps not as easily.
2-03: To Give Thanks to God and Encourage Support for the Ministries of Lutheran Services in American and Lutheran World Relief
Likewise, will pass, but not as easily. There may be some liberal things to criticize in these agencies.
2-04: To Commend the LCMS National Housing Support Corporation
Will pass.
2-05: To Allow Extension of Calls to Specialized Pastoral Ministers
Would allow BNM to serve as a calling agency for institutional chaplains, etc. Will pass.
2-06: To Encourage a Strong Finish of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) and Give Thanks for the Effect LMI Has Made in the Global Fight to End Malaria-Related Deaths in Africa
Will pass.
2-07: To Emphasize Biblical Teaching of Sexuality, Marriage and Family
Much needed in our society. Will pass, strongly.
2-08: To Challenge Congregations to Engage in Works of Mercy in Their Communities
Encourage congregations to put mercy into practice. Will pass.
2-09: To Encourage Christian Citizenship and Vigilance
Synod’s “Religious Liberty: Free to Be Faithful” campaign. Increasingly important in our society now.
2-10: To Speak Out Against Violence in the United States
We’re against violence.
2-11: To Encourage Districts and Congregations to Utilize the Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs Training Process
Program to help congregations reach out in their immediate neighborhoods.
Next time: Committee 3, Life Together.