A Throwback Pick
The pick this week is a presentation by Dr. David Scaer from Symposia 2002 entitled “Missouri’s Identity Crisis: Rootless in America.” Dr. Scaer discusses how the Missouri Synod is an umbrella for multiple “cultures” each with an identifiable cause. Some are fascinated by the Reformed freestyle of worship while others pay attention to things liturgical. Some see Synod as an association of congregations held together by a commitment to the Lutheran Confessions while other see it as a corporation of congregations and employees where doctrinal disagreements are handled as disputes within the corporate structure. Though 10 years-old, the categories are still applicable and highlight how little has been done to address the situation.
In addition to recommending this particular presentation I made this pick to promote CTS Media, Concordia Theological Seminary’s archive of presentations and papers from various conferences, events, and journals. Both seminaries have done a great job of making resources available with CTS Media focusing on conferences and events and Concordia Seminary’s iTunes U focusing on classrooms and lectures.