Registration is now open for the ACELC Theological Conference

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Registration is now open for the February 7-9 ACELC Theological Conference, which will be held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. We have what we think is an amazing lineup of speakers, including two Seminary Professors and the District Present of Iowa East. The details are listed below, but I dare say that this is one Conference you won’t want to miss. You can download a full Conference Schedule for more details, and you can register online at our Conference Registration link. We are asking that you register as soon as you know are able, but we also ask that you send in the printed Registration Form and registration fee prior to the Conference. We are looking forward to another great Conference, and we pray you will be able to join us. Here are some details.

What: This conference in one in a series designed to address doctrinal and practical issues in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Therefore this is a “working” conference that includes both presentations for doctrinal study and Table Talks to engage in “what does this mean” in our ministry and mission. Guest speakers are Dr. Detlev Schulz (Fellowship), Rev. Clint Poppe (The Visible Church), Dr. Holger Sonntag (The Ban and Church Discipline), Prof. John Pless (Doctrine and Practice), Rev. James Gier (Exceptions), and Rev. Brent Kuhlman (Critique of Von Schenk). Table Talk hosts are Dr. Mark Bucchop (Teaching Closed Communion), Prof. John Pless (Orthodox Communion Statements), and IE District President Brian Saunders (Orthodox Communion Casuistry). The banquet speaker is Rev. Richard Bolland on Our Lutheran Heritage.

At the end of the conference we will hold our annual business meeting of the ACELC congregations. All business of the ACELC will be discussed in this meeting, and not during the conference itself. For information on congregational participation in this association please, please click HERE .

Who:  This conference is a public service to all members of the LCMS. All are encouraged to attend.
When:  Tuesday, February 07 – Thursday, February 09, 2012
Where:  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 3825 Wildbriar Lane, Lincoln, NE 68516-4502
Cost:  $75 ($115 with a spouse); price includes banquet.

Your Servants For Christ’s Sake,
ACELC Board of Directors

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