From the LCMS Reporter:
Synod Secretary Dr. Raymond L. Hartwig announced March 17 that two amendments to the church body’s Constitution that were adopted by 2010 LCMS convention delegates have been ratified by the required two-thirds majority of Synod congregations that participated in the ratification balloting.
Hartwig told Reporter that the ratification-vote outcome means that those amendments “become effective immediately.”
On the ballot, the measures were referenced as “Amendment A” and “Amendment B.”
A total of 2,081 LCMS congregations’ ballots for ratification of the two amendments were returned to the Secretary’s Office. Amendment A received 1,592 votes in favor of ratification, with 477 congregations against the change and 12 congregations not voting. Amendment B received 1,564 votes in favor of and 495 against the change, with 22 not voting.
Amendment A dealt with the new position of chief financial officer and the end of the treasurer position. Amendment B dealt with the relationship between the Constitution and Bylaws.