Thanks to BJS website reader Stan Slonkosky we have the web locations for the various legal filings on the Issues, Etc. lawsuit matter. They are posted on the US Patent and Trademark Office website. To find these documents, go here, click on Trademarks in the left sidebar, click on 3 Search Database, click on top item “New User Search Form”, and enter Issues Etc. A bunch of looking around produces these documents.
Page showing Issues, Etc trademark status
- 77487948 is Harry Madsen’s current application for the Issues, Etc trademark.
- 74235940 is the original LCMS trademark, in effect 4/20/1993 and expired 10/25/1999, as shown below. It is marked as “dead” in the listing.
LCMS trademark Registered April 20,1993
Current status of that trademark, marked as Dead October 25, 1999
Original application by Harry Madsen
Opposition Documentent from LCMS, Nov 20, 2008
Letter stating the opposition is rejected because of lack of notice.
Here is the page where the following came from
Notice of opposition filed 12/3/2008
Notice to Harry Madsen re: opposition
Motion to strike, didn’t receive in time
LCMS opposition to motion to strike
Motion suspended pending dispute
Motion to strike from Harry Madsen
LCMS motion for extension of time
According to Stan, this last posting includes copies of a number of documents, including the one from a LCMS lawyer to Todd and Jeff. The LCMS, Inc., was willing to grant a free license to the “Issues, Etc.” name if they would agree to certain things, including a gag order and getting Madsen to withdraw his application. The LCMS would be able to revoke the license if they thought the agreement was breached.
Thank you Stan for directing us to the data on this case.
Norm Fisher, BJS Technical Director