Registrations for the Brothers of John the Steadfast National Conference are already coming in. We have people registered from as close as Naperville and central Illinois, and as far away as Florida and the state of Washington. Since we are mostly an internet community it would be great to meet and greet you in person. The conference is open to members of the Brothers and to non-members as well.
Highlights of the Conference Include:
- Pastor Todd Wilken will be speaking about his experiences as a radio host and the stormy days surrounding the show’s cancellation and return.
- Laymen Chris Rosebrough, founder of Pirate Christian Radio speaking about his conversion to Lutheranism out of American Evangelicalism and his experience as a confessional Lutheran internet radio pioneer.
- Stirring Traditional Worship led by Cantor Phillip Magness – sung Vespers (Friday evening) and the conference climaxing with the Divine Service (Saturday afternoon).
- No Pietists Allowed Parties Friday night including wine tasting with Chris Rosebrough and world travellers and wine connoisseurs Tom and Elaine Gavin; Folk and Classical Guitar serenaded oeuvres d’oeuvres and desserts with Fritz Baue; a visit to a local chocolate bar and more!
Even though the Brothers is primarily a men’s group, women are certainly welcome to attend the conference. We have even had the honor of a few women joining the Brothers group. Also, don’t forget that just thirty minutes away is all that the great city of Chicago has to offer. Husbands bring your wives and/or wives bring your husbands to the conference and stay an extra night and day for a great visit Valentines visit to the windy city. Later this week we will be publishing a list of Valentines restaurants and hotels in Chicago that would be great ways to exxtend your visit.
You can register via Paypal or by check. Details can be found on our conference registration page. Hope to see you in Naperville next February for confessions, conviviality and chocolate!