Yesterday we followed up on the gay activist story in the Northwest District of the LCMS. Today we offer this interesting perspective as a follow-up on another travesty of supervision in the LCMS – the Ayers petition signing at Concordia University, Chicago (LCMS).
Malcolm A. Kline regularly outs the worst of the liberal academia moves from around the country and lately he stated that the Ayers petition was the most dubious of the last year. This in addition to the story we reported last week of Ayers being denied access into Canada due to his criminal record puts more egg on the face of the LCMS since Concordia’s President told us last fall that his faculty has academic freedom to sign such a petition.
The problem with this for a conservative, Bible-believing, confessional denomination such as ours is two-fold. First, Ayers is an unrepentant 1960’s terrorist. He has never admitted that his work with the violence-wielding, anti-American Underground group that he belonged to in the 1960’s was wrong. Secondly, the philosophy of education espoused in the petition is based on an unbiblical, anti-authority ideology.
This matter at Concordia-Chicago, the gay-activist matter in Washington and other situations around the synod make clear that there is a crisis of supervision in the LCMS. These things need to be addressed by President Kieschnick if he wants to maintain the notion that he is concerned about doctrine and practice in the synod.