Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Pentecost 2
June 18, 2017 — Proper 6 — Pentecost 2
Sermon Text — Matthew 9:35-10:1-20
God’s Mission of Love
The Mission of Jesus– Preach, Teach, Heal
The savior is on a mission. His face is set. His eyes are fixed. His hands are outstretched. His voice is lifted high. The Savior is on a mission and His mission is the salvation of the world. He is no Moses – though many would prefer Moses to Jesus. Moses gives you something to do, something to work for, something measurable. The Law came through Moses. Jesus is no Moses. Jesus gives you something to believe. The Law measures what you deserve. Faith on the other hand receives what the heart knows we don’t deserve. With Jesus it’s not about what you deserve. With Jesus is all about what He has to give and what we are to receive by faith. It’s not about deserving, it’s about believing. God is love. Jesus is God made flesh. Jesus is love incarnate. We are given to believe this, to believe in Love made flesh for us.