New Book! Diving Into Concord

Steadfast Press is thrilled to pre-announce it’s first in-house book release. Neil Carlson’s Diving into Concord and Coming Out Lutheran: A Practical Commentary on the Lutheran Confessions is in the final stages of production, and (God willing!) will be released just in time for Christmas.

Too many people dismiss the Lutheran Confessions as dusty and out-of-date relics of a bygone era. Pr. Carlson has a deep love for them, and recognizes the confessions for what they are: The life-giving waters of God’s Word. He takes you through the confessions Article by Article to show why they still matter: both for fighting against the lies of Satan in doctrine, and for living a godly life in the world according to God’s Word.

This is a must-read book for anyone who has wanted to know more about what God teaches in his word, but has been afraid to crack open the big-book-on-the-shelf because of how long it seems (or who has tried, but got lost in the detailed arguments). It’s also a crucial reminder for pastors of how important and useful the study of the confessions is for laity and clergy alike.

Designed for laity, it will be a welcome addition to a congregational confessions study. For pastors who have been away from the confessions too long, it will serve as a gentle and necessary re-introduction to them. And for pastors who drink deeply of the confessions each day, it will be a refreshing aid in bringing your members to this life-giving water.

Instead of a long-planned publicity build up, we’re going to release this as soon as possible. So watch for updates in the next couple of weeks. We’ll tell you when this modern classic goes live so you can get your copy right away!

And don’t forget, the traditional gift for loved ones at Epiphany is a new book! So order multiple copies.

3 thoughts on “New Book! Diving Into Concord

  1. Definitely looking forward to seeing this one in print!
    It’s a great resource if you’re intimidated by the Book of Concord!

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