As we have year by year been moving through the Small Catechism, this year our Lenten series is going to be on Confession and Absolution. The theme is “As if Christ Our Dear Lord Dealt with Us Himself” confessing the very words of the Catechism.
A devotion will be released in February for use in parishes and homes.
Here is the service plan for the series.
Ash Wednesday
Normal Propers
Lent Midweek 2 – 3/9/22. What is confession. [ABSOLUTION]
Opening Hymn 609
Psalm 32
Office Hymn 614
1 John 1:5-2:6
Luke 7:36-50
Closing Hymn 453
Lent Midweek 3 – 3/16/22. What sins should we confess. [CONFESSION]
Opening Hymn 614
Psalm 51
Office Hymn 608
2 Samuel 11:1-12:25
Closing Hymn 766
Lent Midweek 4 – 3/23/22 Which are these [EXAMINATION]
Opening Hymn 614
Psalm 19
Office Hymn 439:1-7
Deuteronomy 5:1-21
Luke 3:1-20
Closing Hymn 439:8-15
Lent Midweek 5 – 3/30/22 Office of the keys [CHURCH]
Opening Hymn 614
Psalm 130
Office Hymn 607
Matthew 18:1-35
John 20:19-23
Closing Hymn 440
Lent Midweek 6 – 4/6/22 What do you believe according to these words [MINISTRY]
Opening Hymn 614
Psalm 118
Office Hymn 616
Matthew 16:13-28
John 20:19-23
Closing Hymn 438
Holy Week
Normal Propers