Texans and secession… Concordia, Texas that is.

The following is from a June 6th memo from the “President & CEO” of Concordia University, Texas – Dr. Donald Christian sent to friends and constituents of Concordia Texas with a subject of “Board of Regents Governance Conversation”

Over the past several months, the Concordia University Texas Board of Regents has been engaged in a deliberate conversation about the future of CTX and how we can continue our mission and ministry well into our second hundred years of existence. I’m excited to share with you today some of the details about what is happening and what we can expect for the future of our beloved school and church body.

Let me first state that Concordia University Texas is doing great. We are financially stronger than ever and are looking toward increased enrollment over the next several years. Regents Hall will open this fall, almost doubling the capacity of students who can live on campus. Early in 2023, we will break ground on a new athletic complex, which will then be followed by the construction of a stand-alone chapel. Our new campus pastor, Jacob Boessling, has invigorated our campus ministry program, and our nursing program will soon eclipse over 800 students. We are in the midst of our newest strategic plan, entitled Build.Connect.Thrive., which gives us a renewed sense of purpose as a Lutheran institution of higher education that focuses on student success, introduces people to Christ, and makes a difference in the Central Texas region and beyond. As we look to celebrate 100 years of ministry in 2026, we continue to see God’s grace and guidance at work.

Board of Regents Governance 
It is in that strength that our Board has been considering the question of governance over the past year. As the landscape of higher education changes, as the culture becomes more diverse and challenging, and as the church seeks new mission opportunities, the Board has recognized that the need for a system of governance that is local, responsive, and adaptive is more essential than ever for our university. While our core Lutheran values will never change, the strategies to achieve our mission may need to change as we go forward.To accomplish this, our Board of Regents is exploring becoming the sole-governing body of the institution, looking at a different relationship with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) than is prescribed in the church’s bylaws. We are currently in conversation with the LCMS, specifically with the Board of Directors and the Concordia University System, attempting to work together to develop a new system of governance in which Concordia Texas remains committed to aligning itself with the LCMS through governing documents in a way that ensures we continue to train church workers, serve the congregations and people of the District and Synod, and operate as an institution that is informed by the theology and doctrine of the LCMS.

As the Concordia Board of Regents works through this process, we ask for your prayers for continued wisdom, meaningful conversation, and continued charity and clarity for all. While no final decision has yet been made, it is hoped that this process will conclude later this fall. As a means of keeping you updated with the latest information, please see our website.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me ([email protected]), our Provost Dr. Kristi Kirk ([email protected]), or any other member of our CTX leadership team.

1 thought on “Texans and secession… Concordia, Texas that is.

  1. From the website:

    On November 8 2022, the Concordia University Texas Board of Regents voted to change its bylaws in such a way as to become the sole governing body of the institution. The University has notified the CUS and the LCMS of this change and awaits conversation with those entities about how Concordia Texas can continue to operate in alignment with the LCMS.

    They have a Q&A posted there.

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