So in the heavily antinomian, reductionistic, Biblically uninformed “bound conscience” ELCA a couple recent things should be pointed out as warnings for those who have drank too deeply of their theology (or fathers) and methodology (largely listening to the culture instead of the Word).
First a new site (warning: perverse site that advocates sin) that endorses and seeks to find acceptance for fornication as well as the normal ELCA same-sex marriage stuff. From their stated goals:
No longer privileging marriage as the only acceptable form of sexual relationality
The second is that one of the seminaries of the ELCA has fired its president for twenty years ago being a part of an organization that tried “conversion therapy” for those struggling with homosexuality or gender identity issues. The official announcement is here.
Now, if you want an excellent presentation on the errors of the theology from ELCA and how they run deep and have spread far and wide see Dr. David Scaer’s paper from this year’s symposia at CTSFW.