American Idolatry

Though the First Amendment has established what is commonly referred to as the separation of church & state, the state nevertheless promotes its own…

Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Broken, Common, and Small

There’s nothing special about Ezekiel’s branch.  It’s just a twig.  And there’s certainly nothing extraordinary about a farmer sowing his seed.  Farmers have done that for thousands of years.  Nor is there anything especially attractive about a mustard seed.  Mustard seeds are small, very small.  Yet each of these are used by the Lord in our text to teach something quite extraordinary –  for each of these reveal the Kingdom of God.  You see the Kingdom of God isn’t about the mighty, the extraordinary or the attractive.

Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Thirsty Bones

May 24, 2015 — Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Text — Ezekiel 37:1-14
It is the Lord who opens eyes and it is the Lord who unstops ears.  He loosens tongues and causes the lame to leap.  Such is the One who brought us into being, who formed and fashioned us in the womb. 

Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — The Ascension of our Lord

For three and a half years they followed Jesus.  That’s what disciples do, they follow their teacher, they go where He goes, hear what He speaks, and learn what He teaches, receive what He gives, and do what He bids.  The Life of a disciple is always one of going, hearing, learning, receiving and yes, even doing. 

Notice the Difference?

Martin Chemnitz, in his brilliant work The Two Natures in Christ, emphasizes the importance of using correct terminology to maintain, unadulterated, the doctrine…