Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Epiphany 2

The Lord has a taken a bride for Himself.  Israel has a husband.  At Sinai He pledged Himself to her with an everlasting love.  “I will be your God and you shall be my people.”  Sprinkled clean by the blood of the sacrifice, she answered, “We will do all that the Lord commands.”  Yes, beloved the Lord has taken a bride for Himself.  Israel has been bathed in the promises of Her God and Lord.

Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Christmas Eve

These shepherds weren’t anyone special according to the world’s definition of special. They didn’t dress in fine cloths. They didn’t frequent the hot spots of Jerusalem on the weekends. They weren’t chic, or hip, or trendsetters in any way.  Nor were they pretending to be.  They weren’t worried about their self-esteem. They didn’t doubt their purpose in life.  They were simple keepers of sheep, watchers of the flock, defenders of animals too stupid to know the difference between a hill or a cliff.  In many ways they were a lot like parents . . . and like parents today these shepherds weren’t much appreciated.  They were despised. They were poor.  They were unclean.  And they shared the same fears that you and I suffer.  They were afraid of failure  – of losing their sheep to lions or wolves, or gravity. And like all men, they were afraid of death.  Nevertheless these shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks by night. They were doing their job, keeping their vocation, working the work they had been given.

Semon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Advent III

God has a plan, a purpose for John. God has a plan and purpose for you. Right now, John’s eyes are preaching a sermon that John’s heart struggles to bear. Everything he sees tells not of God’s grace but of God’s judgement. Your eyes are preaching to you this morning. What do you see? What is real? John is struggling with reality. What are your struggles? John is in prison.

A Christian Nation

At the beginning of October conservative news outlets were bemoaning the fact that a controversial statue of the 10 Commandments was removed under…

Labor Day and Apologetics

As I was looking ahead on the calendar this morning for the upcoming Labor Day weekend, I found myself thinking about the doctrine…

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Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — Defeating the Defiler

Of the four gospels Mark alone sets Jesus’ death and resurrection in the context of Old Testament purity rituals.  From the very beginning we find Christ’s herald in the water, baptizing for the forgiveness of sins.  We find Jesus, Himself, baptized and then driven to the wilderness to face the Prince of this World.  Everything that follows in Mark’s gospel follows these events and is an unfolding of Christ’s invasion of the strong man’s house.  It is a battle not just of God and Satan but of Holiness vs. Uncleanness.