Sermon — Pr. Tony Sikora — The Way of Discipleship

God’s Children are His baptized children.  Israel was baptized in the Red Sea, you were baptized in water and the word.  God’s children are His baptized children.  As His baptized children the Lord sets before you life and death, good and evil, not to tempt you – for the Lord tempts no one but to teach you that there is always a way from God and in the end that way leads to eternal death.  Jesus is the only way to God and wherever Jesus goes there is life and there is all good.  In the waters of Baptism is life because Jesus is in the waters of baptism.  All is good in Jairus’ home because Jesus comes to Jairus’ home.  There is life and there is all good in this place not because we are here, but because Jesus is here with His life-giving gifts.

A Requiem for Marriage

While the world was celebrating the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling to legalize gay marriage, conservative Christian blogs everywhere were filled with obituaries. And…