Can You Help Us Start a New Chapter of BJS around Thousand Oaks, CA? by Damion Giunta

(Damion Giunta is an LCMS member in the suburbs northwest of Los Angeles. He is hoping to start a chapter of the Brothers of John the Steadfast in his local area. If you are reading this and are in the Thousand Oaks area please contact Pastor Rossow – see “contact us” below – and he will pass your information on to Damion.)

The Christian Faith in America is under attack. As a confessional Lutheran in Southern California, this is no more apparent than in the state of the local church. One thing has become obvious in my short experience as a Lutheran; we have a very active and persistent enemy. The question we have to ask ourselves is the same question asked by Dr. Martin Luther, do we allow the heresy to continue, or do we vehemently defend the word of God such as scripture teaches? The answer seems obvious, but when you look at the state of our church, within our synod, and in Christianity in general, actions seem otherwise. People are leaving the church in record numbers; a Gallup poll conducted in 1996 recorded the lowest number of Americans attending religious service, ever. As our Christian congregations walk away from the true confessions, we see that people are becoming disenchanted with the church. If the truth is out there, then why do our leaders also continually walk away from it? The answer is given in the scriptures, and repeated in the Book of Concord. We have a very obvious direction for us to take. We must move in the way of the true faith.

I have begun promoting Orthodox Lutheran Christianity in Southern California, particularly in the Thousand Oaks area. Yes, the allure of the mega-church is driving our pastors away from the true confessions and historic faith. However, the problem is that we face a situation where the gospel in general in Christianity is continually being altered to fit popular opinion, true Christology is not being taught and the church in my area is in disarray. Pray for us.

–Psalm 56:12, 13

I must perform my vows to you, | O God;
I will render thank offerings | to you.

For you have delivered my soul from death,
Yes, my feet from | falling,
That I may walk before God,
In the | light of life.

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