Litany to the Holy Ghost, for Pentecost.

Pentecost Icon (2)Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

O God, the Father in Heaven
Have mercy upon us!
O God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy upon us!
O God the Holy Spirit, true Comforter,
Have mercy upon us!

Lord God the Holy Ghost,
You are the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
and You are the Spirit of the knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
Have mercy upon us!

Lord God the Holy Spirit,
You are the Spirit of Love,
the Spirit of Joy,
the Spirit of patience, kindness and goodness,
and You are the Spirit of faith, humility and chastity,
Have mercy upon us!

O Holy Spirit,
You are the He who tests the hearts of mankind and reins,
and You are the Dispenser of heavenly grace,
Have mercy upon us!

Lord God, the Holy Spirit,
You are the joy of the angels,
the Comfort of the sorrowing,
the Light of the prophets,
and You are the Wisdom of the Apostles,
Have mercy upon us!

O Holy Spirit,
You are the Victory of the holy martyrs,
and You are the Anointing of the saints,
Have mercy upon us!

Be gracious unto us,
Spare us, Good Lord!
Be gracious unto us,
Help us, Good Lord!

From the crafts and assaults of the Devil,
From heresy and deceitful teaching,
From envy and ill-will to the brethren,
From impurity of body and soul,
From indifference in the service of God,
And from all evil spirits,
Deliver us, Good Lord!

Lord God, the Holy Spirit:
You Who eternally proceed from the Father and the Son,
You Who did overshadow the Blessed Virgin, causing her to conceive in her womb the eternal Son of God, Jesus the Christ,
You Who did descend upon the Son of God in the form of a dove,
You Who were poured out upon the holy apostles, descending upon them in tongues of flame, enabling them to speak the Gospel in other languages,
You Who have regenerated us in holy baptism,
And You Who dwell in us through Your Word and Sacrament,
Help us, Good Lord!

O Holy Spirit,
You intercede for us in groanings that cannot be uttered,
Hear us, Good Lord!

Lord God, the Holy Spirit,
We poor sinners beseech You,
To hear us, Good Lord!

And to cleanse and sanctify all the members of Your holy Church,
To adorn the Bride of Christ with manifold gifts,
To bless and protect our Synod, together with all its ministers and institutions,
To grant us all the spirit of prayer and reverent worship,
To govern and sanctify our thoughts, words, and deeds,
To adorn our lives with patience and humility,
To kindle in us love and mercy,
To clothe us with chastity,
To work in us the peace of God,
To keep us in Your grace,
And to bring us to everlasting life,
We beseech you to hear us, Good Lord!

Lord God, the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy upon us!
Lord God, the Son of the Father,
Have mercy upon us!

O Christ, Lamb of God,
You take away the sin of the world:
Have mercy upon us!
O Christ, Lamb of God,
You take away the sin of the world:
Have mercy upon us!
O Christ, Lamb of God,
You take away the sin of the world:
Grant us Your peace!

O Christ, hear us!
O Christ, hear us!

Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.

Our Father, who art ….

[This is an modernized adaptation of Wilhelm Loehe’s Litany to the Holy Spirit found on pp. 90ff in Liturgy for Christian Congregations of the Lutheran Faith, by William Loehe, Third Edition, Translated by Rev. F.C. Longaker, Newport, KY, 1902 from the third edition of Loehe’s Agenda. Also reprinted 1993 and 1997 by Repristination Press, Decatur, Illinois.]

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